Use this forum to discuss how you can use to find a location to buy or rent a house in the U.K based on travel time, train fares, house prices and school performance data. Ask any questions about the data or to suggest any improvements.
Frequently asked questions.
How do I use the search?
Start with a postcode you commute to, for example your office postcode and hit search.
I searched for my office postcode SE1 2ES.
You can see the search has returned locations I can commute to by car or train grouped by travel time, train fares and house prices.
Fields in the search result
- Area: Local authority or London Borough
- Travel Time: 30, 60 or 90 minutes from the postcode. This is an estimate based on route planning data and national rail train schedules. We don’t have access to live traffic data. Consider the travel time shown as an approximate range - 30 or more minutes, 60+ minutes etc.
- Train Fare: Approximate annual train ticket fares.
- House Price: Average house prices at local authority level.
House Prices
Click on the house price link to see average house prices for different property types, sales volume and 5 year house price trend.
Clicking on the area name(local authority), will show details at ward level. Average OFSTED rating of schools at ward level is also shown.
Clicking on the schools link will take you to a list of all schools in the local authority. This page lists
- School names
- Ward
- Education phase - primary or secondary
- Gender
- OFSTED rating
- KS4 attainment 8 scores
School performance
Click on the school name to see school performance compared with other schools in the local authority,
OFSTED report
You can also view the detailed OFSTED report.
Features planned for future releases
- Rents - house, room rents
- Crime statistics
- Air, noise pollution data
- Greenspaces, cycling routes, hiking trails